12. Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) to Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith)


He didn't want to go. So much so, he dragged his exit out for hours. Tennant's exit was undeniably poignant, but by the end of his farewell tour of the universe (including a flight of Ood singing him to his rest) we were itching to see the new guy. And then the new guy insulted gingers.

13. Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) to Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi)

Matt Smith's final episode may have been a mixed bag, but all is forgiven in the last scene. Smith scales back his performance to give an intimate farewell, the music swells, the audience is in tears and then BANG. Eyebrows. So long raggedy man.

14. The Master (Derek Jacobi) to The Master (John Simm)

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