Stranger Things reveals new episode titles for season 2
The original titles have been changed just over two weeks ahead of the launch

We're just over two weeks out from Stranger Things season 2 arriving on Netflix, and now a new set of episode titles - different to the ones originally teased last year - have been announced via a short promo video.
The first season 2 teaser had provided episode titles, but the Duffer brothers subsequently admitted that those were given as story hints, and that they were likely to change. Of the original set, the only one to remain the same is episode 3, 'The Pollywog', which could either be a cuddly toy or a terrifying Upside Down monster - we're guessing the latter.
The new video does not, however, provide titles for the final three episodes. Check it out below.
Here are those titles in full:
Chapter 1: Dragon's Lair
Chapter 2: Trick or Treat Freak
Chapter 3: The Pollywog
Chapter 4: Will the Wise
Chapter 5: Dig Dug
Chapter 6: The Spy
Chapters 7,8,9: ?
And here is everything we know so far about Stranger Things season 2, which arrives on Netflix on Friday 27th October