A long time ago in a galaxy far far away/December in your local cinema Rogue One: A Star Wars story finally answered the saga’s oldest plot hole. Turns out the reason the Death Star came built with a giant exhaust port that led exactly to the core of the entire space station was a sabotaging design from double-agent Mads Mikkelsen’s Galen Erso.


And, as we saw at the end of Rogue One, some bolshie Rebels rescued the plans from Scariff, passing them on to a CGI-youthful Princess Leia. In other words, the first Star Wars anthology film leads straight into the first ever Star Wars movie, now referred to as A New Hope.

Although you will have recognised the continuity, you not have watched the two scenes one immediately after the other. Well, somebody’s finally melded them together. And it fits perfectly.


Also, this gives you a great excuse to re-watch Vader skillfully slaughter a corridor of quickly-unharmed rebels. Happy Monday!
