Dress for the job you want, they say. So even if Sacha Dhawan is for now only one of many stars rumoured to be taking over from Peter Capaldi as the next Doctor, it's good to know he has some ideas about how his new Time Lord should look.


"I’d love to go for something really, really quirky – like extremely quirky," said Dhawan. "Maybe like a Mohican [hairstyle] or something."

And what about clothes? "I might just wear what the Steel Serpent wears," he told Channel 4's Sunday Brunch, referencing his current role as the villain in new Marvel Netflix series Iron Fist.

So, to sum up, Dhawan's new Doctor would have a shaved head, except for a (possibly multi-coloured) strip of hair down the middle and would wear a pair of old yellow pyjamas, open to the waist (that's the best way we can find to describe the Steel Serpent's martial arts outfit from the glimpse we've had).

Certainly a departure from Peter Capaldi's stripped down and classic look.

"It’s all kind of speculation but it’s such an honour to be considered," Dhawan was quick to add. But if the fact that he has already started working on costume ideas hadn't convinced you that he was keen on landing the role of the Time Lord, here's what he told us when we spoke to him recently.

“Oh my God, I’d absolutely love to [play the Doctor],” Dhawan told RadioTimes.com when asked if he was interested in the part. “I SO would love to.

“I’ve worked with [frequent Doctor Who writer] Mark Gatiss quite a lot, and I think I’d bring something really exciting to it. It’d be incredibly nerve-wracking to do to be honest. It’s quite a lot of pressure.

“When the list came out, I was so honoured really that I was even considered,” he went on. “And that alone was kind of good enough. But who wouldn’t want to do it? It’s Doctor Who.”


He certainly has support from some fans of the show, who reacted pretty positively to the idea after his TV appearance on Sunday.
