Doctor Foster writer to pen an episode of Doctor Who series 10
Mike Bartlett's set to write his first Whovian adventure

Award-winning writer Mike Bartlett is to trade doctors as he steps up to pen a Time Lord adventure for Doctor Who series 10.
The man who gave us Suranne Jones's unforgettable BAFTA-winning Doctor Foster will write a story for THE Doctor as Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie embark on their first series of journeys through space and time.
Bartlett joins Sarah Dollard (the scribe behind Clara's dramatic demise in Face The Raven) for episodes in block two of season 10, while Steven Moffat will pen the series opener. The first instalment will be followed by an episode from Frank Cottrell Boyce, who wrote series eight's tenth offering, In The Forest of The Night.
Mark Gatiss has also confirmed that he'll write at least one episode of the upcoming series.
Capaldi and Mackie will also be joined on their adventures by Matt Lucas, who will apparently be "sticking around".
Doctor Who returns to BBC1 in December 2016 with a Christmas Special, followed by series 10 in 2017