Black Mirror set to return for series four
The third series of Charlier Brooker's dystopian drama hasn't even aired on Netflix yet, but the production team is already readying themselves for another run

Black Mirror season three hasn't even been released on Netflix yet – but Charlie Brooker and co are already preparing themselves for a season four.
Speaking at a screening of an episode from the new series at the London Film Festival, Black Mirror executive producer Annabel Jones confirmed that there will be more episodes to come after the current series has aired.
"When you're ready to do the next series you do [it]," Jones said. "Thankfully Netflix loved the show, stepped in and commissioned six films. So that allows us to play out on a bigger canvas, and take more risks, explore worlds without destabilising the Black Mirror sensibility.
"It's great. And we've got another season coming up too," she added.
The upcoming third season is the first to be made with Netflix, after the streaming service signed a deal taking Black Mirror away from Channel 4.
Six episodes will land all at once on the service from Friday 21st October. Previously each series only contained three episodes.
Brooker said that the main difference working with Netflix rather than Channel 4 meant that he wasn't restricted by running time.
"One of our episodes, which is called Hated in the Nation, is kind of a Black Mirror Scandi Noir effectively, and it’s set in London and stars Kevin McDonald. It’s 90 minutes; it’s like a movie," he explained.
"We have got a bigger canvas effectively, it is more global, and the running time – you don't have to cut it for ad breaks, and you don't have to cut it for 43 minutes."