After hints from directors the Russo brothers, it's now official: Avengers: Endgame will be over three hours long.


But only just: the upcoming Marvel movie's runtime is three hours and 58 seconds.

This bladder-bursting 181-minute runtime, as Joe Russo confirmed to, makes Endgame the longest Marvel Studios title ever. In fact, it’s over half an hour longer than Avengers: Infinity War (149 minutes) and almost a whole hour longer than the studio’s most recent offering, Captain Marvel (132 minutes).

ANALYSIS by sci-fi editor Huw Fullerton

Considering just how much the Russo brothers have to fit into Avengers: Endgame, it's no surprise that the film is coming in at over three hours long; just totting up all the heroes involved takes at least half an hour.

But the Marvel movie's runtime has reignited calls for cinemas to include interval breaks during particularly lengthy films.

In decades past, even normal-length films came with an intermission half-way through. While tastes and attitudes have changed, there definitely seems to be a renewed appetite for cinemas to give their customers a bit of a breather from time to time. Endgame might be the perfect movie to try it out. Read more

If Endgame becomes the highest-grossing movie of 2019, it could become the longest-running top-earning film of the year since 2003's The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (200 minutes).

Endgame may run longer than the first Avengers movie in 2012 (142 minutes), but superheroes who survived Infinity War’s dusting – from Thor to Captain America – have plenty to accomplish in those three hours: not only do they have to defeat Thanos, but they’ll almost certainly aim to resurrect all the many, many characters killed off by Josh Brolin’s big purple baddie.


Avengers: Endgame will be released in UK cinemas on Friday 26th April 2019. You can also watch all the Marvel movies in order including Endgame on Disney Plus with a seven-day free trial.
