Mourn the characters you used to know in Game of Thrones with Gotye
Comedy duo Not Literally turn their hands to the characters who were killed off in Game of Thrones series one

Remember back in 2011 when everyone in Game of Thrones was still alive? Before the characters you'd grown to know and love started dropping like flies...?
I do. (I also happen to be a little bit behind the rest of you, so the pain is all the more fresh.)
With the help of chart topper Somebody I Used to Know by Gotye, comedy duo Not Literally have turned their parody-ing powers to the first series of Game of Thrones, to help us remember the characters we used to know.
Funny ladies Ginny DiGiuseppi and Dana Ritterbusch have breathed life back into beloved characters Khal Drogo, King Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark (Do you remember when we all thought nobody would kill off a big name like Sean Bean? How naive we were...) so we can mourn the first familiar faces that George R.R. Martin gave the chop.
(NB: contains some strong language)