Where to watch and stream Chef's Table – is the series on Netflix?
Find out where to watch and stream Chef's Table, if Chef's Table is on Netflix as well as your guide to what the series is about

The best chefs in the world weren't born the experts that they are today – only through painstaking practice and numerous failures have they have reached the highest standard of excellence in cuisine in the world.
And that's exactly what Chef's Table seeks to unravel: by exploring the lives and passions of the best chefs around the world, from Australia to Italy, the series offers stunning insights into cooking straight from the mouths of those who know it best.
Where to watch Chef's Table?
You can watch the series exclusively on Netflix.
What is Chef's Table about?
Chef's Table is a Netflix series that explores the lives of the most talented cooks in the world, how they launched their careers and created delicious new dishes.
Created by David Gelb, the series began as a follow-up to the Japanese language documentary film Jiro Dreams of Sushi which follows the sushi master Jiro Ono. Gelb also directed The Lazarus Effect – although we don't consider this half as good as Chef's Table – and co-founded the production company Supper Club.
Unlike other cookery shows (*cough* Hell's Kitchen) there's no risk that this series will leave a bad taste in your mouth. Decidedly mature and sophisticated, Chef's Table sacrifices comedy for the graceful work of the best chefs in the world, and their remarkable stories of aspiration and success in cuisine.
You can find out about the prices and locations of some of the restaurants that featured in the series here.
How many seasons of Chef's Table are there?
The series has six seasons with 30 episodes in total.
Who presents Chef's Table?

The series is presented by a different chef each episode. The cast so far has included chefs from Mexico, Slovenia, Thailand, Australia, The USA, and more.
Season one hosted Massimo Bottura, Dan Barber, Francis Mallmann, Niki Nakayama, Ben Shewry, and Magnus Nilsson. In season two, Grant Achatz, Alex Atala, Dominique Crenn, Enrique Olvera, Ana Roš and Gaggan Anand featured, whilst in season three we met Jeong Kwan, Vladimir Mukhin, Nancy Silverton, Ivan Orkin, Tim Raue and Virgilio Martínez.
From season four onwards the series were much shorter, hosting only four chefs each - in season four they were Christina Tosi, Corrado Assenza, Jordi Roca and Will Goldfarb, and in season five they were Cristina Martinez, Musa Dağdeviren, Bo Songvisava, and Albert Adrià.
The most recent season, the sixth, hosted Mashama Bailey, Dario Cecchini, Asma Khan and Sean Brock.
Interestingly, there hasn't been a single Brit on the series. There's no word yet on whether that's because everyone's had enough of rude British celebrity chefs. No offence, Gordon Ramsay.