Where is Lucy Watson? It's the question we've found ourselves asking thanks to the Made in Chelsea star's absence from last week's series nine premiere and tonight's second instalment.


In fact, she was last seen on our screens at Christmas, getting some space from Spencer Matthews and his current girlfriend Lauren Frazer-Hutton – could it be that Miss Watson has quit Chelsea altogether?

In a word: no. You can rest easy, Lucy fans. While the 24-year-old may be missing from the first few episodes of this series, she will be back on our screens in the not-so-distant future to have Binky and Steph's backs and make her mark on all these ambitious MIC newcomers.

"I went away for the first part of filming so I'm not in the first few episodes but I am in this series," she confirmed to OK Magazine last week. "I have been filming so you'll have to wait for that.

"I was hoping people would miss me and notice I'm not there and then I was overwhelmed by the amount of people that said that. I felt very loved."


Phew! Although Lucy wouldn't have been the first Made in Chelsea cast member to quietly slip off our screens. Ollie Locke, Francis Boulle, Millie Mackintosh and Caggie Dunlop have all quit the E4 reality series to little fanfare since it first aired in 2011 with Cheska Hull the latest original cast member to exit the show last series.


Susanna LazarusAssociate Editor, RadioTimes.com