Meghan Markle family members are "shockingly open" in new MTV reality show claims presenter
The Duchess of Sussex may want to give The Royal World a miss

MTV’s upcoming reality show The Royal World (think Geordie Shore but for British crème-de-la-crème) will reveal a side to Meghan Markle previously unknown to the public, it has been claimed.
Host of the fly-on-the-wall series and self-proclaimed ‘poshologist’ Archie Manners says that Meghan’s half-nephew, Tyler Dooley, is “shockingly open” about the Duchess of Sussex while taking part in the series.

“He was surprisingly actually shockingly open about Meghan,” Manners claimed. “As we go through the series, we see his side to the tale. His family had a pretty tough summer with various things. We see a very human side to [the Markles], going from this family of nobodies to international fame.
“He gets to put his side of the story across. You start to realise these aren’t just talking heads being thwacked by Piers Morgan.”
Dooley, an Oregon cannabis farmer, spent the summer trying to learn more about Britain’s aristocracy and his 'new family' for the MTV reality series.
Tabloid speculation about the Duchess of Sussex's family came to a head this summer ahead of her wedding with Prince Harry. Tyler however has expressed his support for his half-aunt, who previously used to babysit him.
The 26-year-old told The Times, “You know what goes on in the media with members of my family and it’s just terrible. It’s an embarrassment to have family members out there speaking negatively about Meghan, and it’s just something that shouldn’t be reported.”
But The Royal World presenter Archie Manners has suggested that Tyler is even more willing to talk about his royal connections while on the show.
“We learn a lot about Meghan,” he said. “We learn bits and pieces about what went on during that summer which surprised me and will surprise people at home.

“Yes, I think Tyler would accept that they probably made some decisions that were ill-informed. They probably weren’t led through that process of being internationally famous or well-known appropriately and they probably could have had some support from wherever.”
Manners added that the Duchess of Sussex, who recently announced her pregnancy, won’t be thrilled at what’s in the series.
“I don’t think she’ll be delighted! I suspect it probably won’t bother her; she’s got a child on the way and bigger things to think about. She’s an amazing lady and she’ll probably be fine but she’d probably rather her nephew didn’t do reality TV,” he said.
“The Royal World will change perceptions for the Markles for the better, and I think we will learn things about the family and we’ll learn things about Meghan – some of which she’ll be pleased that we learn about, some of which that might surprise and shock us.”
The Royal World premieres Wednesday 7th November at 10pm on MTV
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