will.i.am admits he "peeked" at a singer before turning on The Voice UK
will still doesn’t understand how the show works - and Tom was NOT impressed

There’s one golden rule on The Voice UK. You’re not allowed to see the singer until you turn around. Everyone knows that, right?
Well, everyone apart from coach will.i.am. You’d have thought that after six years on the show he'd know that you can't have sneaky looks at contestants.
In tonight’s episode of the ITV show, the Black Eyed Peas star admits to his fellow coaches that he “peeked” at a singer from his chair.
“I peeked once,” he admitted. “I was asked to not peek.” Yes, will. Yes you were.
We were shocked. But not as much as Sir Tom Jones, who'd this face when will made his admission:

Jennifer Hudson was equally unimpressed. “You can’t peek though,” she exclaimed. “That’s not how it goes… I’m not ever tempted to peek, because I want to hear the voice.”
Good. We’re glad someone explained this to her before she joined the show.
Just before the auditions then kick off, will is fidgeting and turning around in his chair, having another look over his shoulder and prompting one member of the audience to shout out “stop peeking, will!”
We don’t think he’s ever going to get the hang of this...
The Voice UK airs at 8pm on Saturday January 28 on ITV