Watch the Ed Balls Gangnam Style Strictly Salsa that almost broke the internet

For weeks now he's been steadily growing a cult following online but Ed Balls came fairly close to breaking the internet with his week 8 Strictly Come Dancing routine.
The former Labour Shadow Chancellor was put through his paces in a Gangnam Style Salsa, choreographed by his professional partner Katya Jones.
And my, oh my, did Ed give it socks.
The routine was a massive hit in the ballroom, even though judges Craig, Darcey, Bruno and Len only awarded it 25 points - and left Ed languishing at the bottom of the leaderboard.
"That, without fail, will go down in Strictly history" said Darcey, while Craig summed up the dance with three letters: "O. M. G"
That's about all we could muster too, Craig.
I mean, just look at him go...

Can Ed make it all the way to Blackpool? Only time - and public votes - will tell.
Strictly Come Dancing continues on BBC1 on Sunday November 13th at 7.15pm