It looks like all may not be well for Made in Chelsea's newest couple as footage from next week's episode hints at Binky's jealousy of best friend Lucy Watson.


The two share a history with Binky's new fella, Alex Mytton, after Lucy went on a series of dates with him last series. Alex, who is also Phoebe's ex-boyfriend (Chelsea appears to have a shortage of eligible man candy) can be seen in the trail for next week's episode alongside Binky and Lucy, with Ms Watson telling the pair, "You two are a lot more suited than we ever were".

But it's not long before Binky raises concerns with former bestie Cheska. "[Lucy] is making it sound like she could get him back if she wanted to," she tells her. Get a look at Lucy's shocked face when Binky dares to put that proposal to her in person...

And while Lucy's interactions with Alex may be a figment of Binky's imagination, there was no denying Phoebe's outrageous flirtation with her ex during tonight's episode. After returning from a jaunt in Sardinia with a new boyfriend – and half of Chelsea eager to cut her down to size – Phoebe flung her arms around Alex before engaging in a bizarre tug of war over a jelly worm.

The pair's flirting did not go unnoticed by Binky, who at the start of the episode had refused to speak to Jamie about her new beau, becoming the only person in Chelsea to ever utter the words, "I don't like talking about my feelings".

She certainly didn't need Fran to point out the blooming obvious – "she's all over him" – before she started throwing daggers in their direction. But despite Phoebe's best efforts to make another enemy in SW3, by the end of the episode Alex had realised the error of his ways and the two had kissed and made up.

N'aww. Let's hope they weather next week's storm as smoothly.

Made in Chelsea continues next Monday at 10:00pm on E4


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Susanna LazarusAssociate Editor,