Dear campers, this is what to expect from I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!
Here's what awaits this year's courageous celebrities in the jungle, kangaroo balls at the ready...

The cockroaches are being prepped, the jungle shower checked and Ant and Dec are being woken up. Yes, the new series of I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! is almost here.
Not that there are likely to be many surprises. After fourteen series it's a tried and tested formula, a familiar tale of tears and tantrums and creepy-crawlies aplenty. So without looking into our crystal ball, we've put together a few predictions. Here's what awaits this year's campmates in the next three weeks...
You'll pose for a jungle-themed picture, secretly wondering how it's come to this (yes, especially you, Michael Buerk):
Then you'll pedal your I'm-totally-cool-please-vote-for-me pose for your grand introduction:
You'll most likely leap out of a plane:
At which point it'll really dawn on you that you've actually got to live in the jungle:
Ant and Dec will get up really early and look less chipper than usual:
Then you'll start getting up close and personal with the local wildlife to earn stars and therefore food for the camp:
Really close:
This will happen:
Ant and Dec will be really good at keeping a straight face
A lot of the time you'll be hungry:
And then there will be arguments:
Fatigue will set in:
Things will get a bit weird:
You'll get a special treat – a Twiglet perhaps – and go totally crazy:
Some of your campmates will strip off for the cameras:
Then some more will:
And some more, and everyone will wish they hadn't:
If you're lucky, you'll get to play on a big slide while dressed as a superhero:
Then you'll start to realise the whole thing was actually a ruddy good laugh:
And at the end of it all you'll be secretly gutted that this isn't you
Unless you win. Then reign on jungle champ, reign on.
I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! starts Sunday 16 November at 9:00pm on ITV