Britain's Got Talent without the judges arguing could end up being Britain's Got Bored
Forty five acts have made it through to the live shows, but Cowell and co didn't argue over the choices. Is the best episode heading for a flop, asks Emma Daly

Britain’s Got Talent 2015, I fear, could be in trouble...
Let me explain.
This week, those with the power to push the red buzzers determined who the 45 semi-finalists are going to be… and everyone was united. Well, aside from the usual divided opinion over Mr Walliams’ “eccentric” choice from the Golden Buzzer. But, hey, only a fool would bet against that happening. Remember last year, Christian Spridon in his pink wellies belting out It’s Raining Men? Exactly.
A source close to the show tells me that there weren't "any disagreements" among the four returning judges (no changing faces on this panel) and that they were in fact “fairly unanimous” in their choices. This throws up images of Cowell and co skipping around a table, laughing merrily as they decided who would make the live shows this year. (In other words... fairly weird, but boring TV).
Where’s the drama people? The "arguing one" is probably the best episode of the whole series. Simon Cowell gets all huffy and puffy chested. He chucks pictures of the wannabe stars around the room, insisting he knows best (to be fair, he usually does.. and it's his show). Amanda Holden and Alesha Dixon gang up on him and try to stress the importance of seeing a man dance with a broom again. Or something, you know, cooler.
They re-watch audition tapes, get all mock emotional and have a good old fashioned ding-dong. Then, when the judges have to tell another batch of wannabe David Blaines that they’ve not made it, we know they are actually sad to see some go. Cue crash-zooms to the act heading for the chop, so we can catch every glistening tear. Wonderful. We all love a bit of crying on a reality show, right?
But if they’ve all agreed from the word go, it’s not going to be the same is it? Holden told me only last month that each judge approaches the decision making differently; Cowell goes pound signs, Dixon goes cool, Walliams goes mental and she herself goes for variety in the true sense of the word (well, she would say that wouldn't she!) That should mean clashes, shouldn’t it? Unless they’ve found some mystery act that offers up all four traits? Or perhaps they simply found a balanced mix of talent that’s kept them all cheery. Balanced sounds, well, again, boring.
I’m holding out hope that it’s all a ruse – clever ol’ Simon’s let the others get their way now and then BANG, red buzzer as soon as their beloved acts start performing live on TV. Cowell has admitted to me that it’s started to become more of a competition between the judges now they can personally back an act via said Golden Buzzer. And he’s confident his own, a singer, is going to do well.
Let’s see those gloves come off… and Britain Get Entertained!