Nick Hewer: Apprentice star Luisa Zissman may regret “taking her clothes off at the drop of a hat”
Lord Sugar’s aide takes a sideswipe at candidates who are seduced by the short-lived fame offered by the business reality show

Last year’s Apprentice runner-up Luisa Zissman may regret posing for racy pictures, says Lord Sugar’s aide Nick Hewer.
Delivering his halfway verdict on the show in this week’s Radio Times, Hewer references Zissman’s decision to do glamour shots as well as the career path chosen by notoriously outspoken 2006 Apprentice candidate Katie Hopkins.
“Take Luisa Zissman from last year, for example: she’s actually a bright girl but decided to take her clothes off at the drop of a hat, and that may be something she’ll come to regret.
"Katie Hopkins has carved out a niche as a rent-a-right-wing-gob in the hope that by being nasty to everybody she’ll find enduring fame. But who am I to judge? I hope they’re very happy.”
Explaining his position he adds: “All of the candidates apply to be on the show for the right reasons – they want to work with Lord Sugar and start a business.
“But sometimes they get a little flattered by having cameras stuck in their faces, and then the thing airs, and they’re walking down the street and cabbies are recognising them and then some agent gets onto them, thinking they can make a few quid, and before you know it, they think they’re Gina Lollobrigida!"
For the full interview with Nick Hewer buy the new issue of Radio Times magazine, on sale from Tuesday 18th November in the shops and on Newsstand for iPad or iPhone