Nick Grimshaw's X Factor Judges' Houses might not be in Manchester after all
The Boys category could be whisked off to Paris instead

X Factor's Nick Grimshaw may not be heading to Manchester for Judges' Houses after all, as a source tells he could in fact be taking his Boys category to Paris.
Nothing against Manchester of course, but with Rita Ora taking the Girls to LA, Cheryl hopping over to Rome with the Groups and Mr Cowell whisking the Overs off to the south of France, Paris feels a bit more in keeping.
It's by no means set in stone, with sources close to the show saying no final decision has been made. But it seems as though the European destination could fit with Grimshaw's Radio 1 breakfast show commitments. With filming expected to start on Friday, the DJ could do his three-and-a-half-hour radio show before making his way to the French capital and be back ready for another bright and early start on Monday. Who needs sleep, eh?
But the Boys had best not set their hearts on a trip to see the Eiffel Tower just yet, as Grimshaw has often discussed his plans to take his category to Manchester, joking at this year's series launch that he'd have his family milling about in the background making cups of tea and things.
Musician and producer Mark Ronson is joining Grimshaw as his guest mentor for this final audition stage, which has already come with an extra dose of drama as singer Tom Bleasby announced his departure from the competition. It's yet to be confirmed whether another hopeful from the category will replace him, or if Grimmers will run Judges' Houses with the five remaining acts.
The X Factor continues Sunday at 7:00pm on ITV