There's plenty of dog acts to get excited about on this year's Britain's Got Talent what with dancing dog Matisse and 'talking' dog Wendy. So it seems only right that the judges meet their own canine look-alikes, right?


It gave ITV2 spin-off show Britain's Got More Talent a chance to come up with names like Simon Growl and David Waggiams anyway. Perhaps these four-legged pals can be put in charge of judging this year's dog acts from now on? One wag of the tail for great, a lick of the nose for no? It could work.

The judges were rather impressed by their new pals, check them out below:

This is David 'Waggiams'

Alesha 'Dogson'

Amanda 'Hounden'

And Simon 'Growl'...

Perhaps Simon really can kick off an Animals Got Talent spin-off with these guys?


Britain's Got Talent continues with the next semi-final Thursday from 7:30pm on ITV
