Binky Felstead reduces Alik Alfus to tears amid Louise Thompson cheating rumours on Made in Chelsea
It was all drama at Andy Jordan's dinner party during tonight's episode of MIC...
Poor Alik, Chelsea hasn't been kind to him. Louise's beleaguered boyfriend went through the mill yet again tonight following last week's revelation that his other half *might* have been unfaithful.
It all began with Lucy Watson who paid a visit to Louise to warn her she'd heard a certain rumour (and as we know, rumours in Chelsea generally turn out to be true). Louise then 'fessed up to Alik about a night of drunken debauchery when she may – or may not – have locked lips with another fella.
She claimed ignorance, Alik didn't look so sure – and as tonight's episode progressed, we weren't either, despite her insistence that the debacle was "literaaaarlly tearing me to pieces".
And, let's face it, as explanation's go, Louise's was pretty pathetic...
"I didn't lie, there were parts I missed out on purpose. No one's perfect." Nope, not buying it either.
Suffice to say, as the gang gathered for Andy Jordan's dinner party, trouble was brewing. "I have a bad feeling about tonight," forewarned Lucy. "Can you not feel the tension in the air?"
We certainly could, as Louise and Alik sat separate from one another. Thank goodness for Jamie, who finally addressed the elephant in the room: "Are you guys together?"
"This is a very difficult situation," explained Alik. "We're still together. We're making an effort to be together. It's painful, it's hurtful – there's no elephant in the room because obviously there are no secrets in this friendship group." No truer word spoken.
Binky soon came in for some flak as Alik and Rosie accused her of keeping Louise's misdemeanours under wraps, throwing off her usual cool to label poor Alik a "f**king arrogant twat". Don't mince your words, Binks.
Although, she looked a little sheepish when his eyes got all misty and a tear sneaked out. It took Louise to lead him from the room, cooing sweet nothings into his ear: "You're the best boyfriend ever – no one else would stick up for me like this."
But one person who didn't look so convinced was Louise's ex-boyfriend Andy who told the group he thought she was still holding information back (it wouldn't be the first time). And, intriguingly, he's seen confronting Louise during next week's trail, telling her he has "a weird spot in my heart where I still care about you". The saga continues...
Made in Chelsea continues next Monday at 9:00pm on E4