How the Other Half Eat, 7:30pm on Channel 4

Remember 1990s reality show Wife Swap? This is a variation on the theme, in which two families swap food habits. That means they get each other's supermarket shopping, use each other's recipes and adopt each other's mealtimes. Easy, no? No, because of course shopping, cooking and eating are central to how families function, so they're rapidly out of their comfort zones. The Ringshall family find cooking from scratch a pain, while the Janes can't believe their new lifestyle includes a "cupboard of dreams" full of chocolate. David Butcher


VE Day: Remembering Victory, 8:30pm on BBC1

One of the pleasures of this look back at the end of the war in Europe is seeing the 1940s family photos. There's a fresh-faced Michael Parkinson (aged ten when the war ended), a dapper David Attenborough (who turned 19 on VE Day itself) and Honor Blackman posing on a motorbike as a volunteer dispatch rider. They and many others recall the jubilation of VE Day and the changes in the years that followed. Parkinson recalls being slightly disappointed that he could no longer chart the progress of the Allies on his map of Europe. Bruce Forsyth gazed down on the VE Day crowds in Trafalgar Square from the roof of the theatre he was performing at: "It was chaos, but lovely chaos." Leslie Phillips was among those crowds as a recently demobbed soldier: "Everybody had gone absolutely blood mad... I was kissed by a number of women. Even a few men." A four-year-old John Craven was confused: his father was still a Japanese PoW. He gives a touching account of the day his father finally returned and carried him from the railway station on his shoulders. David Butcher

The Stranger on the Bridge, 9:00pm on Channel 4

On 14 January 2008 Jonny Benjamin, tormented by schizophrenia and the voice of what he thought was the Devil in his head, decided to kill himself by jumping from Waterloo Bridge in London. But a stranger stepped out of the crowd and talked him out of it. In this remarkable, joyous, painful and ultimately life-affirming film, we follow Jonny six years later as he decides to find the man he believes was called Mike, who saved his life. The campaign became a worldwide sensation and prompted a huge outpouring from people bereaved by suicide and others experiencing crippling mental illness. Jonny's memories of that morning are sketchy and the search is by no means straightforward. But it's outcome will touch your heart. Alison Graham

Game of Thrones, 9:00pm on Sky Atlantic

Has Cersie (Lena Headey) discovered God? She seems very fascinated with the Sparrows, a quasi-Christian group of moralising ascetics, and their leader, played by Jonathan Pryce. Jon Snow also appears to have discovered the ethical life when dealing with Melisandre's advances, while Stannis delivers a beautiful speech to his young daughter. But don't worry, Thrones isn't going soft. Cersei is pursuing devious ends, while on Meereen, the Sons of the Harpy provide the requisite gore. And in a truly chilling final scene, grief-stricken Ellaria Sand proves she's not to be messed with... Ben Dowell


Safe House, 9:00pm on ITV

There's a significant character in Safe House that we don't trust. In tonight's penultimate episode of the unlikely crime thriller this person does something that will doubtless make us all nod our heads sagely as we mutter ourselves, "Yep, I knew she/he was a wrong'un." Meanwhile, the hooded villain who's after the family holed up in ex-cop Robert's supposedly safe house in the middle of nowhere once again outsmarts and outruns those remarkably incurious and blinkered detectives. But the stir-crazy family are too preoccupied with tearing themselves to shreds to worry too much about their pursuer. Alison Graham
