9 stages of The Friday Feeling
Such complex feelings can only be expressed through the power of the small-screen...
It's Friday. Tomorrow, there'll be no nightmarish screech of alarm, no getting dressed while it's dark outside, no elbowing your way onto the bus while spilling coffee down your scarf.
Everyone's been waiting for Friday since Monday. Even if you're one of those odd people who actually likes their job, you're feeling so delirious that you can barely type a coherent email. Freedom is calling, people.
So here's that Friday feeling according to TV and film.
Wow, the morning was tough...
Thinking about all the work you have to do before home time, makes you feel like this...
More like this
But you can't get on with your work because it's FRIDAY, so you JUST. DON'T. CARE....
Your brain is swirling with images of how amazing your weekend will be...
No, but we mean REALLY good...
You've inhaled twenty million coffees...
And you've texted all your friends, pretending you're just checking your Google calendar....
Your boss asks whether you fancy staying a bit later tonight to help get ahead on some work for Monday...
Finally, the day is over and you can go home. You can scarcely believe it....
Go forth, freedom beckons.