Yesterday Queen Elizabeth II sent her first ever tweet from the British Monarchy Twitter account. Her tweet, from inside the London Science museum, announced the opening of the Information Age exhibition and was signed 'Elizabeth R'.


There was a picture of the Queen sending the tweet just so we could be sure, with the Twitter account then confirming it really was a message from Her Majesty, with the hashtag #TheQueenTweets.

But wouldn't it have been brilliant if the Queen had entered the world of Twitter on a different day with one of these very different messages...

Elizabeth R could have started her Twitter journey on a quiet day in the castle

Or even after that night out just didn't quite go to plan

UPDATE: my dog stole and ate my fried chicken #angry #disappointed

— Karla Salazar (@KarlaSalz) September 18, 2014


Of course, the Queen has been left with someone to answer to, so maybe it's best left alone...
