Today's announcement about the future of BBC3 was hardly unexpected, but the channel's confirmed move online will, as predicted, come at the cost of a big chunk of the channel's programme-making budget.


Over the past two days, fans of the channel have come out in force, taking to Twitter and signing online petitions in their droves (at the latest count, nearly 59,000 signatures). Many have bemoaned the threat now posed to their favourite programmes, from Bad Education and Don't Tell the Bride to Our War and The Revolution Will Be Televised.

We want to know which show you're desperate to save. Do you arrange your evenings around repeats of Snog, Marry, Avoid? Can you contemplate a world without Stacey Dooley investigating? What would you do without The Call Centre's Nev on your screens? We're sure you've got your opinions, so vote in our poll for the programme you'd most like to avoid the axe...


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Susanna LazarusAssociate Editor,