What time is Victoria on TV tonight?
The Queen and Prince Albert look ahead to the future during the penultimate episode of the ITV drama

Time marches on in Victoria and within moments of the Queen and her new husband, Albert, settling into their marital bliss, it’s all change once again. Victoria flees a musical performance feeling “bilious” and it soon becomes clear – she’s pregnant with the heir to the throne.

Everyone is ecstatic except Victoria herself who can’t get the thought of Princess Charlotte (more about her here) out of her head – you remember, her tragic cousin who died in childbirth sparking the succession crisis that put our V on the throne.
Did you know Victoria producers spent three weeks making Jenna Coleman's eyes blue?
What if Victoria herself dies in childbirth? It’s a question faced by parliament (sorry, no Lord M again – we’ll have to make do with Robert Peel this week) as they demand the queen to name her regent should the worst happen.

Everything you need to know about Robert Peel
Her choice is, of course, Albert, but will the country’s elderly statesmen support the decision? The queen's husband spends much of this week distracted aboard a locomotive...

Meanwhile, in the belly of Buckingham Palace, the enigmatic Mr Francatelli continues his attempts to woo Miss Skerrett with delicious treats from his kitchen.
Hallelujah! Victoria to return for a second series
Catch the penultimate episode of Victoria tonight at 9pm on ITV.