This Twin Peaks fan favourite character explains his surprising transformation in the 2017 reboot
Warning: contains spoilers for episode four

Twin Peaks fans will be very used to seeing Bobby Briggs (played by Dana Ashbrook) behind bars in the Sheriff’s Department. In the original series, he was always getting into trouble: bunking off school, experimenting with drugs, the odd murder.
But many will be surprised by his debut appearance in the Twin Peaks revival, which sees him on the other side of the bars as an employee, no less.
Speaking about his character’s transformation from delinquent to deputy sheriff, Ashbrook told The Hollywood Reporter that he thinks it “harkens back” to a scene between Bobby and his dad, Major Briggs, in series two: “They're in the diner and Major Briggs tells Bobby he had a dream about him, and the beautiful magical plots, and that he sees the future of Bobby's life, and he's going to be okay.”

How did Ashbrook get used to leaving Bobby in the leather jacket behind, and playing the character in this new context – wearing a police uniform?
“You fall back into the whole vibe of it. It was pretty easy to get back into that,” Ashbrook told THR.
“Clearly my character has changed a lot in 25 years, but so have I, you know what I mean? It's a natural evolution of a person to change. When a person becomes sort of a straight-laced person after being so crazy like Bobby was... with the drugs and the murder and all that stuff.
“It's a real change of life. It's a lot different of a character. It wasn't so hard to fall into it, because my life has changed a lot.”