7 things to look forward to in Outlander season 3 episode 11
Claire and Jamie's adventure isn't getting any easier...

Outlander season three continues this week, airing on Sunday 26th November in the US and on Amazon Prime Video in the UK on Monday 27th November.
Find out what to expect with our spoiler-free preview of season three episode eleven.
1. Claire’s out of her depth
When last we saw her she was leaping from the ship into the briny and when we return our heroine is till in deep water. It's time to put those swimming skills to the test...
2. And finds herself cast away

When the doctor finally makes it to dry land she’s very much on her own (well apart from some a rather clingy reptile), and her surroundings are anything but forgiving. Think Tom Hanks in Castaway and you’re on the right track…
3. It’s no wonder she gets ants in her pants
Quite literally.
4. Meanwhile Jamie’s got a LOT of brooding to do

Mr Fraser really hasn’t had the best adventure on the high seas now, has he? First he struggled with sea sickness and then the captain of the ship colluded with the Porpoise’s captain to separate him from his wife.
When Jamie protested he found himself behind bars and now – whether he realises it or not – his life is also in danger.
If that’s not a good enough reason to sit on a beach and stare out to sea we don’t know what is.
5. Fergus is feeling rather ashamed of himself
The poor wee lad has put his past behind him, but he’s feeling VERY guilty about something that’s quite frankly beyond his control when we catch up with him in episode eleven.
6. Marsali isn’t feeling guilty about anything at all
She knows what she wants and woe betide the man or woman who gets in her way.
7. And a blast from the past hints that something wicked this way comes

This voyage ain’t over yet, and it seems it’s only set to become MORE perilous.
Who’d have thought...?