Jenna Coleman just shared the most adorable photo of her and Rufus Sewell in Victoria
Lord Melbourne may be gone from the ITV drama, but the Victoria star still has fond memories of her ITV co-star

This Sunday marks the end Victoria’s reign over Sunday night TV, but things haven’t been right for the past two weeks, have they?
You know why: Rufus Sewell – the man behind Lord Melbourne, the young sovereign's Prime Minister and personal advisor – hasn’t been in it.
Oh, how we’ve lacked his gentleness and his close, perhaps too close, relationship with the young queen over the past couple of episodes. And we’re (somehow) missing him even more after Jenna Coleman shared this behind-the-scenes shot from the show.
Look at those smiles – Rufus has probably just told a joke in his Rufusy way. And look at that adorable smile of Jenna's. He's nailed it.
Those people in the background don’t know what they’re missing.
Catch the final episode of Victoria series one 9pm Sunday, ITV