Larry David reveals the odds of more Curb Your Enthusiasm
And you wouldn't want to bet on a new series of the cult comedy...

Larry David has revealed the bookie-style odds of there being a new series of Curb Your Enthusiasm – and they're not great.
When asked about rumours that there could be a ninth season of the cult comedy in which he plays an exaggerated version of himself, Seinfeld co-creator David told Grantland editor Bill Simmons "I guess the odds would be against it. I guess, right now, the odds would be against it, probably 6 to 1."
Simmons then suggested that there could be an 80-minute mockumentary that "wraps it all up", but that seems just as unlikely.
"Well, you know, I got so much grief from the Seinfeld finale, which a lot of people intensely disliked, that I no longer feel a need to wrap things up.
"I wouldn’t say I’m mad about it," he said, "but it taught me a lesson that if I ever did another show, I wasn’t going to wrap it up."
The 1998 finale to the hit nine-series Seinfeld saw the characters put on trial and then ultimately imprisoned for "doing nothing". It was watched by millions and proved hugely controversial with fans.
In May, Robert B Weide, producer of the show's first five series, told that if David wanted to do more Curb Your Enthusiasm, they would "come round and do it again."
However, David said in September that while he hadn't "given up hope" for a new series, he wasn't sure his ideas would be "good enough for a whole season."
So it's all down to David, and his odds make it pretty, pretty clear that he's ruling it out, at least for the moment.