Chris Martin confuses the Targaryens with the Kardashians in Coldplay's Game of Thrones parody
*MUSIC PLAYS* "There are Starks, there are Lannisters and Kardashians... and of course there's some unknowns..."

Well, this excellent Game of Thrones parody for America's Red Nose Day has set scarily high standards for the UK's next attempt. We've seen some of the preview songs from Coldplay's Game of Thrones musical parody, but now we've got a first look at the 'behind-the-scenes' making-of mockumentary – and it's hilarious.
As Chris Martin tries to recruit the cast of HBO's hit fantasy drama series for a stage musical, he realises it's not going to be as easy as he'd hoped...
His first mistake is to mix up the Mother of Dragons with the mother of Kanye West's baby...
Then, Daenerys (Emilia Clarke), perhaps annoyed by the Targaryen/Kardashian confusion, compares the idea for a Game of Thrones musical to the Titanic, but "not in terms of the successful movie, in terms of the unsuccessful boat."
Any Game of Thrones fan will know not to mess with a wildling but Chris Martin has some learning to do. As Jon Snow rehearses the truly inspired song, "Wildling, you make my heart sing..." Ygritte watches on, eating Pringles lustfully and giving him the occasional wink.
And when Martin tells Jon Snow (Kit Harington) he's gone a bit flat, Ygritte (Rose Leslie) isn't happy. She even uses that immortal, spine-chilling phrase: "You know nothing Chris Martin."
But it's not all bad news for Chris. Because it turns out there's something Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon) enjoys even more than torturing people! Look at that song-face!
And then the musical takes a very sharp turn away from Coldplay's haunting, melancholy with... Rastafarian Targaryen. This picture says it all, really. This song will be to the Game of Thrones musical what Memory is to Cats.
And despite the teething problems, everyone is quite happy in the end. Especially Sam (John Bradley), who looked this blissful every single time his hero Jon Snow took to the mic...
Here's the full video. Enjoy it, but be warned that you may find yourself humming Rastafarian Targaryen forevermore...