Behind the scenes with the cast of Orange is the New Black
See your favourite inmates cheesing for the camera and skating around a roller rink as they wrap shooting of Series 2

We're not saying we'd like to spend time in jail, but the cast of Orange is the New Black are making it seem like one big party.
The hit Netflix series just wrapped filming of series 2, and the Orange is the New Black Instagram account has been blowing up with behind-the-scenes pictures of the cast hanging out on set, including a great video of roller skating from their wrap party.
Based on a true story, Orange is the New Black is about an upper-middle class New York woman who spends 15 months in jail thanks to a mistake from her past.
Netflix hasn't confirmed a release date of series 2, so we can only wait in anticipation until we can spend a whole weekend with a computer on our lap binge-watching the show.
Until then, take a look at Chapman, Taystee, Poussey and the rest of the gang in their khaki bests. Can we just be friends with them already?