The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 gag reel is just as hilarious as you'd expect
The superheroes may be saving the world... but they ain't always so slick behind the scenes...

It looks like they had a great time filming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Although that doesn't come as much surprise – after all, this is the film franchise that includes a dancing tree, one of the funniest men on the planet (Chris Pratt) and a secret cameo from David Hasslehoff.
As the smash-hit sequel gears up to release its DVD, its extras are starting to emerge online – bonus features which include a gag reel showing all the cast's mishaps and slip-ups while shooting.
You'll notice Sylvester Stallone has particular issues with his pronunciation of the word "ravager" and Kurt Russell displays nerves of steel as a camera careers way, way too close to his face.
"The amazing thing about that moment is that Kurt did not budge," director James Gunn told Entertainment Weekly. You look at him, and he’s such a pro, that he’s just standing there. Oh my god, it went way too close. We were just an inch away from him getting his face broken open and that would have been the end of Kurt Russell on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2."
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 is released on DVD on 8th August. Although we reckon there will be a few more DVD extras headed our way before then...