Freeview film of the day: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Harry's journey comes to a thrilling conclusion with a final showdown with he who must not be named…

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 ★★★★★
7.30-10.00pm ITV
The Harry Potter saga climaxed in 2011 with this second part of the final chapter. It goes without saying, but don’t start here if you’re not already au fait with the wand-waggling saga, or you’ll find yourself drowning in a vast ocean of spirits, charms and arcane artefacts. If you’re suitably equipped with the backstory, however, director David Yates’s CGI-heavy realisation of the novel’s titanic clash will both thrill and, yes, move you. The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 left Harry, Hermione and Ron on a chilly beach, all sad. Part 2 opens with Voldemort making the Warner Bros logo appear in the sky. The scene is set for an apocalyptic maelstrom of duels and revelations about the boy wizard’s past. After ten years, four directors, four composers, two screenwriters and12 Oscar nominations, the eight films had created 1,179 minutes of screen magic, taking a spellbinding $7.7 billion at the box office. Totally satisfying all round.
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