13 more brilliant, average and terrible biopic casting decisions
From Monster to Miss Potter to Liz and Dick, there have been many truly brilliant lookalikes — and some rather poor ones...

We've had a look through recent cinematic history to see who struck lookalike gold, and who just looked pretty ridiculous...
Actor: Tom Hiddleston
Who? Hank Williams
Film: I Saw the Light (2016)

Verdict: 10/10. The film isn't even out yet but Hiddleston has Williams' wistful stare just right, with the perfect hat to match.
Actor: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Who? Edward Snowden
Film: Snowden (2016)

Verdict: 6/10. Levitt's performance is apparently very good, but you really wouldn't mistake him for Snowden, even with the right glasses on.
Actor: Jennifer Love Hewitt
Who? Audrey Hepburn
Film: The Audrey Hepburn Story

Verdict: 8/10. Similar face shape and perfect hair, while exuding some of Hepburn's iconic grace. A tough person to play. It might not be a (Tiffany) diamond casting, but it's pretty close.
Actor: Michael Fassbender
Who? Steve Jobs (2015)
Film: Oh yeah, it's also called Steve Jobs

Verdict: 8/10. Perfect polo neck, good glasses and similar smiles.
Actor: Colin Farrell
Who? Alexander the Great
Film: Alexander (2005)

Verdict: 5/10. All we've got to compare Farrell's likeness to Alexander is this mosaic, but we're still not convinced. What's with the platinum blonde look? One thing they do have in common is a look of alarm on their faces. Maybe they're thinking about this movie.
Actor: Tom Hardy
Who? Reggie and Ronnie Kray
Film: Legend (2015)

Verdict: 9/10. Hardy looks just like the identical twin gangsters, with the ideal snarl and sharp suit to match...
Actor: Andre Benjamin
Who? Jimi Hendrix
Film: All Is By My Side (2013)

Verdict: 8/10 Hair, yes. Low-cut top, yes. Neck scarves, yes.
Actor: Sienna Miller
Who? Tippi Hedren
Film: The Girl (2012)

Verdict: 9/10. Brilliantly similar, with spot-on makeup and a wry smile which suggests there's more going on in the creepy world of Hitchcock movies than meets the eyes...
Actor: Renee Zellweger
Who? Beatrix Potter
Film: Miss Potter (2006)

Verdict: 9/10. The film may have not gone down as well as Potter's books, but Zellweger certainly looks a lot like the author here.
Actor: Aileen Wuornos
Who? Charlize Theron
Film: Monster (2003)

Verdict: 10/10. No wonder Theron got an Oscar for this. Not only was her performance astoundingly good, she was able to convince us all her character was as real as Aileen Wuornos. The look of fury, desperation and confusion in her eyes, her facial expressions...biopic perfection.
Actor: Naomi Watts
Who? Diana, Princess of Wales
Film: Diana (2013)

Verdict: 8/10. As similar to Diana as any other actor we can think of. While it's hard to see past how bad a film it was, Watts was a good choice in terms of blond hair, vaguely similar face shape and similarly large eyes. Watts' wave was spot on too.
Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio
Who? J. Edgar Hoover
Film: J. Edgar (2011)

Verdict: 6/10. We're not convinced. Yes, Leo can pull most things off but not this. His hair, face and general look is all a bit off.
Actor: Lindsay Lohan
Who? Elizabeth Taylor
Film: Liz and Dick (2012)

Verdict: 8/10. The film may not have gone down very well, but Lohan certainly has the Taylor sparkle with the right makeup, hair and pout...