What time is Steph and Dom’s One Star to Five Star on TV?
Everything you need to know about the Gogglebox couple's new B&B renovation show

What time is Steph and Dom’s One Star to Five Star on TV?
The new series starts 5.30pm, Monday 9th October, C4
What’s it about?
B&B owners Steph and Dom Parker – yup, the posh couple off of Gogglebox – help whose hotels and guest-houses are struggling, as well as those just starting out in business, aiming to take each establishment from the lowest rating to a luxury one in just five days.
Is it any good?
This 25 minutes of airy nothingness wouldn’t be worth drawing attention to if it weren’t helmed by the majestic Steph and Dom. The Gogglebox pair could make reading a ferry timetable (ideally while half-cut) into watchable teatime telly, though here they’re playing to their strengths as B&B owners.
The idea is that they spend five days mucking in at a struggling hotel, hoping to turn it around in roughly the time it takes Alex Polizzi on Channel 5’s Hotel Inspector to give the owners one of her stern talkings-to.
They begin at a 16-bedroom joint in Bridlington – the kind of place where the dominant colour scheme is brown-and-burgundy and the occupancy rate is, in the owner’s words “negligible”. Dom glues pebbles to picture frames for a “seaside makeover”, while Steph samples a cockle at a local fishmonger: “That was lovely!” she tells the owner. “Utter filth,” she tells Dom later.
Review by David Butcher