Gary Lineker: "corrupt" Britain shouldn't judge whether Russia deserves to host the World Cup
The Match of the Day host also says he has no worries about violence kicking off in Russia during the tournament

Match of the Day presenter Gary Lineker says UK critics of the decision to allow Russia to host this summer's World Cup should take a look in their own back yard before making such judgements.
“Who are we to start getting judgemental on who should have the World Cup?” says Lineker in an interview in the new issue of Radio Times magazine.
“We all know how corrupt our country is at times. Perhaps we don’t like some things that [Russian president] Putin has done, but we’ll be there, we’ll be their guests.”
Asked whether he is worried about potential outbreaks of violence against visitors to the country during the tournament, Linker is equally dismissive.
"I don't know what you're expecting to kick off. Well, nothing will. Because it never does, it'll be fine. It'll be great. What governments do is another matter, but the people of Russia have actually been very welcoming."
Read the full interview with Gary Lineker – who also discusses his social media presence and his thoughts on the England team's prospects – in the new issue of Radio Times magazine, on sale from Tuesday
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