It was a tough episode for EastEnders fans who love Isaac Baptiste (Stevie Basula) tonight as his decision to come off his medication a few weeks ago had difficult consequences when he lost control of himself in tense scenes that did not end well.


Isaac, who has been obsessed with the idea that Ruby Allen (Louisa Lytton) is evil and that her father killed his brother, snapped in yesterday's episode and locked himself in his house after being accused of kidnapping Lily and Arthur.

While he instead sent them off to the allotment, the accusation sent him into even more of a downward spiral and he continued to refuse to come out of the house tonight, for the most part, despite the best efforts of those around him, including Patrick Trueman and Lola Pearce (Danielle Harold).

As they tried to coax him out so the police wouldn't burst in, we got some emotional scenes from Patrick (Rudolph Walker) who did everything he could to try and get through to Issac, even if he was not ultimately successful. It was eventually Lola, who has really come into her own in this story, who got him to leave the house but, unfortunately for Isaac, things got worse as soon as he did.


Hearing voices in his head and no longer in control of himself, Isaac smashed a wine bottle and held onto it for protection, convinced that those waiting out on the Square were wanting to harm him. And when he did walk out, he was still holding onto it and the pleas for him to drop it went unanswered.

Fearing that he was a danger to everyone around him, the police acted hastily, tasering him in front of his horrified family, and he was swiftly arrested for affray.

It looks like Isaac's decision to come off of his medication has left him in a world of trouble. And considering that Sheree (Suzette Llewellyn) blames Lola for his current situation because she kept it a secret from the rest of the family, it doesn't seem like things will be calming down for Isaac even if he does get the medical help he needs.

For information and support with mental health issues, visit the NHS website.


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Joe JuliansEntertainment Journalist