Coronation Street spoilers: Sally to accuse Tim and Anna of having an affair, reveals Sally Dynevor
Suspicious behaviour leads to Sally jumping to conclusions in next week's episodes

Tim is to tell Sally that he can't read - but only after she accuses him of having an affair with Anna Windass! Scenes to be shown next week will see Sally confront Tim and Anna, little realising that her boyfriend is having secret reading lessons.
And it's only when Sally starts throwing Tim's possessions out of their bedroom window that he drops the bombshell about his not being able to read or write. So how will Sally react to the news? Here, actress Sally Dynevor reveals what happens next...
Has Sally any inkling that Tim can’t read?
No, not at all. She sees him reading the newspaper every day! Sally has no reason to be suspicious - why would she have? He’s never given her any reason to believe he struggles with reading.
Would you say Sally has always been a little bit wary about Tim’s relationship with Anna? Does she feel a bit threatened because they have Faye in common?
Anna has never been Sally’s favourite person - they’ve always had a problem with one another. When Tim first came to the Street to find Faye, Anna didn’t take a great liking to Tim, so they didn’t really get on at first. But now Sally has picked up on the fact that Anna and Tim have a good relationship and she doesn’t like it. It does make Sally slightly suspicious and jealous.
She sees them hugging and laughing and joking a few times doesn’t she?
Yes, she sees them in the cafe chatting. Every time she sees them, she thinks they look like they are having an in-depth conversation and Sally wonders what it’s all about and when they became the best of friends. They also seem to be laughing and joking together, which makes Sally feel a bit jealous. One night, Tim tells Sally he has to bob out somewhere and she’s instantly suspicious. She jumps to a big conclusion that he must be having an affair - there’s no other explanation for it.
Talk us through the moment where Anna bursts in on Anna giving Tim a reading do we get to that point?
Sally voices her suspicions to Sophie and Maddie, but at first they don’t agree. Then they see Tim going into Number Six and they realise Sally must be right. Maddie goes over to the factory and tells Sally she needs to go home as Sophie has something to tell her. When Sally gets there, they both tell her that they’ve seen Tim looking shifty going into Anna’s.
Sally has had enough and says she’s not having this - she’s going to go round there and confront them both. She races round there, storms in the door and is really angry when she sees them sat together. She screams and shouts at them before storming back out. Anna and Tim were laughing and joking together and also had their heads close together because they are looking over something, so it did look suspicious to Sally, especially when she had already decided something must be going on. She puts two and two together and comes up with five.
Was it fun filming the scenes where Sally starts lobbing Tim’s belongings out the bedroom window?
Yes, it was. When Sally storms out of Anna’s house, she’s absolutely fuming and runs upstairs. She wants him out of the house, so she throws his clothes, his football and his football trophy out of the window because she’s so cross with him.
So what does Tim do at this point?
He tries to chase after Sally, but she’s not prepared to listen and he’s completely flustered that Sally’s got the wrong end of the stick. He says to her she’s got it all completely wrong and has to tell her the truth - that Anna has been helping him learn how to read.
How does it make her feel?
She’s completely gobsmacked and of course her initial reaction is mortification that she’s embarrassed herself by thinking he's having an affair. Sally’s also really upset that he asked Anna to help him, and not her. It makes Sally wonder why people won’t tell her things - Sophie took ages to tell her she was a lesbian and now Tim has told Anna about this before he told her. Sally wonders what that makes her and what people must think of her if they can’t confide in her. She’s really hurt by it.
What effect might this have on their relationship?
Well, Sally wants to help him with his reading! But she’s terrible at teaching him, to be honest. She’s so impatient - if he doesn’t understand something she just wants to rush past it and move on to something else. We’ve had such a laugh filming these scenes.
What’s her technique?
She goes on the internet and finds a course that she can use and also some little games like word bingo. She also finds some books from when Sophie and Rosie were little that she uses too. But I don’t think Tim is going to learn very much from Sally - he’d be better off with Anna! Sally is not a very good teacher at all.
Do you see a real future for Sally and Tim?
Yes, I really do. I think they are so great together. I love the fact that Tim and Kevin get on as well - they have such a good relationship now and we all have some great scenes together. There was a point where I could never imagine Sally without Kevin, but now Tim has come along, he and Sally are so well suited and the three of them have become good friends.
Are you pleased their relationship is a big hit with the fans?
I’m so pleased - it’s great. I think everyone really loves them being together. The dynamic they have in the house is great.
And what is it like having Joe Duttine as your TV fella?
It’s so much fun. I can barely look at Joe without laughing anyway. He’s so funny and such a good laugh to work with. He’s lovely and we get on really well - it’s wonderful. It’s important to have good friendships at work.
You can watch a 60-second rundown of all next week's drama on Coronation Street below: