Coronation Street's Sally Metcalfe will tell Seb Franklin that she was the one who reported his family to social services.


Seb's siblings were recently put into care following the collapse of their mother from a heroin overdose.

Following the move, Seb was seen railing at Anna Windass after mistakenly assuming that she was the one who contacted the authorities.

But events took a fresh twist when Seb fell from his window cleaner's ladder - all of which led to Anna coming under suspicion of committing GBH.


Next week's episodes of Corrie see Anna reveal that she isn't allowed to go anywhere near Seb as she'd be breaking her bail conditions.

See then moves into Number Four with the Metcalfes, but as Sally shows him round, she confesses that she phoned social services as she was concerned for his welfare.

Seb accepts that if anyone's to blame for his current state of his affairs, it's his mother.

But as Faye assures Seb that she loves him more than ever, she can see that he's depressed following his recent HIV diagnosis.

Can Faye find a way to help Seb face the future?

You can watch a 60-second rundown of next week's episodes of Coronation Street below


And visit our dedicated Coronation Street page for all the latest news, interviews and spoilers.


David BrownWriter, Radio Times magazine and