A dangerous situation looks set to unfold over on Casualty as Holby General finds itself with a suicide bomber on the wards.


It is Jacob Masters (Charles Venn) that finds himself in the thick of it when the situation unfolds after he comes across someone named Roy - a man with an axe to grind against the hospital with Jacob in particular at the top of his list of people to target.

It turns out that Jacob was looking after his wife a few weeks prior and following her death, a desperate and grieving Roy wants to make sure that someone pays for taking her away from him.

Jacob is soon under an incredible amount of pressure as he works to talk Roy down from doing the unthinkable while making sure that the hospital is evacuated in case a fatal blast goes off. As Jacob tries to explain what killed Roy's wife, a nasty, rare, bacterial infection that took them all by surprise, will he succeed in saving Holby General from what could be a deadly turn of events?

casualty jacob bomb

The shocking scenes come right when Jacob is trying to work out whether his relationship with Connie Beauchamp (Amanda Mealing) is worth fighting for when the two come to blows after she starts to withdraw from him after spotting him in conversation with another woman.

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Casualty returned to BBC One a few weeks ago with its first episode since taking a break due to COVID. It proved to be a devastating episode with fans having to say goodbye to the beloved Noel Garcia (Tony Marshall) who became a victim of the pandemic.

The episode was praised by viewers for its hard-hitting and realistic portrayal of what life is like for our NHS workers as they battle to keep their influx of patients alive.


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