Tell us what you think of Doctor Who Last Christmas and be a Radio Times TV reviewer
Want to be a TV critic for a day? Tell us your thoughts on the episode by 12noon on Thursday (Boxing Day) and your review might just get published...

It's nearing December 25th, which means that we're getting closer and closer the that one day of the year we all look forward to: Doctor Who Christmas special day.
Even so, the Doctor Who Christmas specials don't have a reputation for being the show's strongest episodes, with specials such as A Christmas Carol and The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe being panned by fans. There is a fair chance, though, that Last Christmas will be great. For one: 2013's special The Snowmen was a welcome change, an adventure more scary and festive. And two: this is Peter Capaldi's first Christmas special as the Twelfth Doctor, one off the back of a sensational series 8. But then again, it might not be.
Regardless, we want to hear from you. How did Last Christmas compare to previous Christmas specials? Is Peter Capaldi's Doctor suited to Christmas? Or were you not a fan to begin with? How did you find Nick Frost's guest appearance as Santa Claus? Do you think a story set around Father Christmas worked? What about the story in general. And, finally, what are your thoughts on Jenna Coleman's decision to either stay or leave? Is it good news for the show?
Tell us what you thought in around 150 words and we'll publish our favourites. Right here, on
Send your 150 word review of Last Christmas, along with your full name, age and hometown, to by noon on Friday (26/12/2014).
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