In the world of Doctor Who, the actors cast as the Doctor and his companions are a pretty big deal – so it’s no surprise to learn that occasionally their own ideas make it into storylines for the series, as outgoing showrunner Steven Moffat has revealed in a new interview.


“I’m always trying to keep people happy,” the series' head writer told SFX.

“I popped the Zygons into The Day Of The Doctor for David – he got to snog one, which he’s always wanted to, the naughty scamp – and Karen specifically asked to be offed by a Weeping Angel. Pushover, me.”

Of course, both stars got their wish – though Gillan’s companion Amy Pond didn’t technically die, in the grand Doctor Who companion tradition – so it was a no-brainer that current Doctor Peter Capaldi would get to face his own favourite monster, the original Mondasian Cybermen, in his final series in the lead role.

“Well, to be honest, I just had an idea for a story that sort of needed them,” Moffat, who is soon to give Doctor Who fans a sneak preview of the new series and new companion Pearl Mackie at the BFI & Radio Times Television Festival next weekend (where he’ll also be inducted into the Radio Times Hall of Fame), explained.

“But, yeah, I did ponder what Peter said, about updating that version, about making it work, and Peter’s always really smart about what works visually.”

“In the end, though, I love ALL the Cybermen – except maybe the pouty-lip-slot ones in [classic Doctor Who story] The Wheel In Space. But someone will write in and convince me they’re best and I’ll probably believe them and start writing angry letters to [new showrunner] Chris Chibnall – ‘Why oh why, do the Cybermen not have a pouty lip slot? What has happened to the magic of Doctor Who?'"

And who knows? Maybe then Moffat will get his own pouty-lipped monster of choice into an episode or two…


You can read the full Steven Moffat interview in issue 286 of SFX, on sale now


Huw FullertonCommissioning Editor

Huw Fullerton is a Commissioning Editor for Radio Times magazine, covering Entertainment, Comedy and Specialist Drama.
