Finn Wolfhard stands up for 'harassed' Stranger Things co-stars
"If you are for real you will not harass my friends, or co-workers"

Some Stranger Things fans have gotten a little overexcited in the weeks following the release of Stranger Things 2.
Now, 14-year-old actor Finn Wolfhard, who plays Mike on the show, has asked people to stop 'harassing' him and his co-stars.
"Hey everyone! I don't wanna ex-communicate anyone from this fandom, but if you are for real you will not harass my friends, or co-workers. Ya'll know who you are," the actor tweeted on Wednesday evening.
"Why I even have to tweet that, I don't know. Anyone who calls themselves a 'fan' and actively goes after someone for literally acting and doing their job is ridiculous. Think b4 ya type boiiii," he added in a follow-up tweet.
Last week, Game of Thrones actress Sophie Turner criticised a faction of "super weird" fans for waiting outside hotels and taking unwanted photographs of the show’s child actors.
Wolfhard's bemusement at a minority's reactions to the show was shared by many on Twitter.
Other's praised Wolfhard's message:
Wolfhard's comments come amidst a growing discussion surrounding the treatment of the young stars of Netflix's breakout show, with certain factions of the media and the public coming under scrutiny for seemingly 'sexualising' the teenage stars.