Tom Mothersdale – Rathbone

Who does he play? Rathbone is the leader of an anarchist cell that wants to destroy the Anti-Immunity Bill, which would give Clearance Agents the rights to read people's minds without their consent with the use of Teeps. He wears a Hood in the protest march at the beginning of the episode, sparking a violent chain of events.


Where have I seen him before? Tom Mothersdale played Bob in King Charles III, and has also appeared in Endeavour. He is better known as a stage actor.

Tony Way – Carmichael

Where have I seen him before? Ross and Honor's investigations lead them to Carmichael. He is harbouring secrets, so Honor is forced to raid his mind and intrude on his private thoughts.


Where have I seen him before? Tony Way played Dontos Hollard in Game of Thrones. He's also been in Edge of Tomorrow, Tom Hiddleston movie High Rise, and fantasy series Yonderland.
