Doctor Who gets "wonderfully dramatic and striking" new titles and theme for Christmas
The new titles will premiere alongside a revamped Tardis at the beginning of 2012 Christmas special The Snowmen

It's all change for this year's Doctor Who Christmas special. Not only are we getting introduced to a new companion - played by Jenna-Louise Coleman - and a revamped Tardis... the Christmas episode will also premiere a brand new theme tune and opening sequence.
That's right, when The Snowman starts on BBC1 on Christmas Day we'll hear the Doctor Who theme "as it's never sounded before."
While they don't want to spoil the suprise, the BBC said the new look opening credits are "wonderfully dramatic and striking, with a couple of unexpected touches."
Dedicated fans of the series needn't worry though - we're told the new theme tune remains true to Ron Grainer's iconic original: "more thrilling and powerful but [it] retains that slightly scary quality."
In fact, the BBC are so confident we'll like it, they describe it as "a perfect way to welcome back the Doctor."
Doctor Who's seventh season took a mid series break in September when the 11th Doctor's loyal companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams left the show following a dramatic battle with the Weeping Angels in New York.
This year's Christmas episode, The Snowman, will see the Doctor arrive in Victorian England and meet new companion Clara. Eight episodes of Doctor Who will follow in the new year.
See and hear the new title sequence for yourself on Christmas Day at 5:15pm on BBC1