Doctor Who fans are a passionate bunch. They also tend to be pretty creative so when the BBC decided to put together a book detailing 100 of their favourite episodes, they were keen for it to be illustrated by viewers.


A Puffin Doctor Who fan art competition, held in early 2017, received thousands of entries and the winning artworks are now part of that book, Doctor Who: 100 Illustrated Adventures.


Below, we have an exclusive look inside at some of the spreads, plus more examples of the fan art that made it in, created by Doctor Who fans as young as eight years old...

Doctor Who fan art 100 Illustrated Adventures
Allister Simmons' illustration for Genesis of the Daleks, the 1975 Fourth Doctor story that introduced the Daleks' creator Davros (© BBC Children's Books)
Doctor Who fan art 100 Illustrated Adventures
"Are you my Mummy?" Melanie Miller, 26 from the USA, drew the eerie Empty Child from the 2005 episode (© BBC Children's Books)
Doctor Who fan art 100 Illustrated Adventures
Nathan Owens, 36, from the USA, drew the sinister Clockwork Droids (left) while Judy Borror, 27, also from the USA, created this take on the Tenth Doctor and Madame de Pompadour from the 2006 story The Girl In the Fireplace (© BBC Children's Books)
Doctor Who fan art 100 Illustrated Adventures
Josh J Ford's (23, UK) cartoonish take on Amy Pond and the Eleventh Doctor in the 2010 double-bill series finale five (© BBC Children's Books)
Doctor Who fan art 100 Illustrated Adventures
One of just a handful of specially commissioned illustrations in the book, Dan Green's take on companion Bill Potts' debut episode The Pilot features the Twelfth Doctor, his sidekick Nardole and Bill's enigmatic crush Heather (© BBC Children's Books)
Doctor Who fan art 100 Illustrated Adventures
A Zygon zaps John Hurt's War Doctor, Matt Smith's Eleventh and David Tennant's Tenth in this illustration entitled Day of the Three Doctors, celebrating 50th anniversary special the Day of the Doctor, by USA-based Jon Wilson, 48
Doctor Who fan art 100 Illustrated Adventures
Seventeen-year-old Freya Dowell from the UK created this image of the Third Doctor's companion Liz Shaw as her parallel universe alter-ego Section Leader Elizabeth Shaw from the 1970 adventure Inferno
Doctor Who fan art 100 Illustrated Adventures
Ian Wells, 49, from the UK drew this picture of the deadly Krynoid from 1976 story the Seeds of Doom attacking the Fourth Doctor and villainous millionaire Harrison Chase
Doctor Who fan art 100 Illustrated Adventures
And this fittingly comic book-style tribute to 2016 Christmas special the Return of Doctor Mysterio was drawn by Meg Broom, age just eight years old

Doctor Who: 100 Illustrated Adventures, published by BBC Children’s Books in hardback, is on sale now



Paul Jones,
Paul JonesExecutive Editor,