Taylor Swift's Blank Space gets Game of Thrones makeover
"Dragons, dwarves, castles, kings, I could pen you incredible scenes"

It's the bringing together of two mega-hits: Game of Thrones and Taylor Swift. A new musical mashup titled Blank Page takes the pop star's chart-topping track Blank Space and remakes it Thrones-style.
Instead of Swift, the singer is a lookalike of Game of Thrones writer George RR Martin, who prances and dances around a castle with a convincing Daenerys Targaryen, reminding her in song that he could kill her off at any time.
With references to Jaime's missing sword hand and poor Ned Stark's fate, plus lyrics like "you could die in a swordfight, or burn in dragon's flames", "so much death in the seven kingdoms, you could say I'm insane" and "you know I love Kingslayers and you love Game of Thrones" it's really rather amazing.
We're not saying it's better than the original, but I think even Taylor would agree it's a pretty stellar, and incredibly catchy, effort.
"I've got a blank page baby, and I'll write your name..."