Comparisons between new Netflix drama Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and supernatural 90s classic Buffy the Vampire Slayer have been widespread, and with good reason.


Both focus on a teenage female 'chosen one' with supernatural abilities – in Sabrina's case witchcraft, in Buffy's kick-ass fight skills – backed up by a 'Scooby gang' of friends, and living in a town whose name ends with 'dale'.

And what better way of celebrating those similarities than a good old-fashioned opening credits mash-up?

The below is a great effort from YouTuber DoingOK, laying the Buffy theme tune and type face over clips from Sabrina, cut together in a way that very closely echoes the Buffy intro.

Here's the mashup...

More like this

...and the original for comparison...


Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is available on Netflix now
