Where to watch and stream How to Live Mortgage Free with Sarah Beeny – is the property series on Netflix?
Find out where to watch and stream How to Live Mortgage Free with Sarah Beeny, if How to Live Mortgage Free with Sarah Beeny is on Netflix as well as your guide to what the series is about

How to Live Mortgage Free with Sarah Beeny is a property television series that explores how people in Britain avoid being weighed down by high monthly repayments on mortgages, by building or renovating their own homes in unusual places out of imaginative materials.
The series was generally well-received, although it did face criticism for its failure to show the difficulties involved in living in homes made out of the likes of agricultural trailers.
Where to watch How to live Mortgage Free with Sarah Beeny?
You can watch the series on Apple TV.
Who is Sarah Beeny?
Sarah Beeny is a British property expert, writer, entrepreneur and broadcaster whose credits include presenting Property Ladder, Help! My House is Falling Down, and Renovate Don't Relocate. She has written for national newspapers and magazines, and numerous books including Property Ladder and Sarah Beeney's 100 DIY Jobs.
She began her professional journey aged just 19 with her brother and her boyfriend-now-husband when they set up their own property development business. She also founded her own dating and property sales websites, and now has her own podcast, Round the Houses with Sarah Beeny.
Outside of her broadcasting work, Beeny is also an activist who campaigns for buildings of interest that are at risk of demolition, as well as a supporter of Brain Tumour Research and other health charities.
How many seasons are there?
There is only one season so far, with six episodes.