Craig Revel Horwood shocked viewers with a flawless Bruno Tonioli impression on Strictly Come Dancing
The famously po-faced judge channeled his missing colleague with style

Bruno Tonioli may be missing from the Strictly Come Dancing panel due to his workload tonight but he's there in spirit thanks to Craig Revel Horwood.
The famously reserved judge decided to channel Tonioli when telling Giovanni Pernice just how much he'd loved the Rumbe her choreographed for Debbie McGee, imitating the Italian judge's voice and mannerisms perfectly.
You have to see it to believe it - it's a TEN from us.
We're guessing Horwood won't be keeping the act up in the coming weeks but we can't say we'd be disappointed if he did. We personally thought the whole thing - the fake fall from the chair included - was FAB-U-LOUS, DAAAAAARLING.
And so did the viewers at home, who were absolutely loving his antics.
In fact, they went as far as to say it was his finest hour on the show.